Pacific Book Review
Reviewed by: Jennifer Bailey
Soul Wars is a novel that demonstrates the various events that everyone deals with from temptations, anger, fear, and death. Soul Wars portrays the life of four individual families and their daily walk with the supernatural, and see whether they will fall or will they succeed. Various spirits gain permission to aggravate a family’s emotions to see how the four families resolve the issues or how they accept each blessing. While this is a novel of fiction, it addresses ideas and thoughts that people deal with every day; things that are common to us all regardless of where one is in their spiritual journey. It is a novel designed to make readers feel like the characters are someone they know, or even themselves.
This novel is not written to be non-fiction, but as fiction novel, it still has some elements that ring true in people’s walks through a spiritual and religious life. Throughout Soul Wars, the characters face challenges from evil entities and are graced with blessings from the good ones. Readers will find themselves feeling connected and attached to each of the characters. One cannot help but long for good things to happen to each person within this story. Everything that each one of the characters go through is something that is realistic and believable, while in many other religious novels the events feel a bit farfetched, not with Soul Wars.
Author Chris Kline has a way of reaching into her readers’ hearts and making them feel something special, something unique that other spiritual writers cannot do. It is hard to read this book and not feel something, or think about your own spiritual struggles and blessings. It is a novel that makes readers sit back and evaluate their walks through spirituality. One does not just get a good story with this book; they get a good lesson as well.
This is the perfect book for someone who is just beginning their spiritual walk, as well as those who are well into their walk, and feel firm in their faith, whatever that faith may be. This is a story that touches readers in their hearts and makes them wonder what activity is active in their lives. This tale is one that is highly recommended and one has to decide if they are ready to face the emotions it evokes as they read it. Chris Kline has written a great novel that deserves to be read.
This book is an example of how evil spirits can control a persons life and how angels can interrupt the devils plans for each individual. The automatic writing was channeled by the spirit as you will see by the characters in Soul Wars how this evil works.
About the Book
Chris Kline, the author of this her 4th book, at 19 found her self a guest touring with the Rolling Stones. The end of the line was Madison Square Garden. She like New York and decided to move there. She traded her breaking horses career and opted for the party life. One night after, back in her hotel a voice spoke to her claiming to be God and entered her for 9 years claiming to be God. Talk about hearing voices Chris wrote and taped recorded the voice talking in and out of her. It was this supernatural experience that led her to write Soul Wars.
The story revolves around a black family in 1958 moved to a small town in the west .Behind the scenes powers of darkness are corrupting society generation by generation. How ever the Evans have their own angels and as they meet the locals they certainly put these angels to ward off evil. They poison family relations setting daughters against parents , couples against children and them selves. The Evans are the ones with light on their side
Soul Wars, Review
Soul Wars: An adventure into the supernatural was penned by the author’s spirit and imagination. Readers will be drawn in because the characters and situations are so believable.
This book contains such characters that the reader will find themselves pulling for one, intrigued by others The plot centers around four families in the mid west, each f them have a line of deception running from their ancestors down to control their fate.
Soul Wars, Review
Every once and a while a new author comes out with a realistic novel that will entertain you over a couple of nights and then some. The characters are likeable and some just plain evil.
Those such characters are in this book,and you will find yourself rooting for some and hoping for demise with others. Of course, some must get killed off. Most of the events, good and bad are common to us all. Temptations, lust, anger, and fear emerge triggered by outside influence and even accidental death. Behind the scenes orchestrating mishaps or challenging good choices are angels of various, and motives. Spirits will get permission to activate and agitate the family’s unchecked emotions. The story revolves around four families in the Midwest that from grandparents down there is a line of deception out to control destinies. They all are walking in the supernatural by choice and set them up to fail or succeed. As you let your mind wrap around the people of this town, you may think of someone you know or even yourself being led in the same direction.
In the spirit world, much activity, good or bad are possible by permission and the schemes are directed toward humans. Young and old alike. Sometimes these supernatural creatures illuminate in our sphere just for moments or stay with a family for generations. We are all subjected to them just like the families in our story.